Mar 1, 2010

How's it Going?

Hey, How is it going?

Things here are going good. me and my comp are getting along good. He is a cool guy, even though he doesn't like basketball. He is more into cars and rock climbing but he is still cool. Things in Teec are going good, we are finding more work to do, and finding success. I don't mind being district leader. Preparing for district meeting is probably the worst part but other than that I enjoy it. This week is zone conference so i don't have to prepare a district meeting. Zone conference are always good, so i am pretty excited about that. This week was kind of slow and the baptismal date we had set for this week are going to have to be pushed back because the people getting baptized missed there baptismal interview. We did find a few new people this week, mainly less actives that we ran into that we are going to try to get to come back to church, so that was good. This week i broke my camra so i can't take pictures anymore. It is way weird to think that this time last year I was in the MTC, it is crazy how time flies.

Love Elder Reid