Mar 9, 2010


How are things going? Anything new? This week was a good week. We got a new investigator named, Sherman, and he even came to church, so that is pretty cool. We should have some baptisms coming up on the 20th of March. One of the them is someone named Diane Morgon, and we also have someone named Boshony. That is pretty exciting! We have an investigator named Lynn that is being baptized on May 8th. She is way solid, and even bore her testimony yesterday in sacrament meeting. She is waiting until May to be baptized, so her and her 7 year old daughter can be baptized together. This week we found this waterfall that everyone has been telling us about that is in our area. It was way cool. It is probably 150 ft high so it is a pretty cool area. Then there are cliffs around it that are like 400 ft high, it is pretty crazy. I will send some picture of it sometime. We also had zone conference this week, and it was on the doctrine of baptism, and finding the elect. It was way good. So you met someone from Shiprock? That is pretty cool. We are only like 25 miles away from Shiprock. That is where we have district meetings. Well thanks for everything, and I will talk to you later.
Love Elder Reid