Feb 24, 2010

Happy February

Hey Whats up?
How are things going, anything new? I got your package on Tuesday thanks for the peanut butter popcorn, it was way good. Glad to here everything is going well, and dad is back healthy again. So you are going to have to send me a picture of Hannah's new hair cut, when you get a chance, and other picture from back home. Things in Teec are going good, it is definitely interesting training, especially on the reservation because it is not like your normal area. You can't just go tract. We need something to do because the houses are so spread out. I don't think that a missionary has ever been trained in Teec before. It is exciting that the mission boundaries are changing. If I got to pick what mission I would be in it would be the Albuquerque Mission because then maybe I would get to serve in Texas, and because I like Albuquerque better than Farmington. Although, I will be fine if I am in the Farmington Mission, and I have already served 10 months in Albuquerque. We got a new investigator this week named Phillisitia, we knocked on her door and she just let us right in. She could be way solid but I guess we'll see when we go back to see her on Friday. I got to go and we'll talk to you later.
Love Elder Reid