Nov 12, 2009

Robs Letter

Dear Family and Friends

Hey How is it going. Things here are going great. Wow, I can't believe all the people that are dying up there. Who do you have helping you with the graves, Kelsea? Well thing here are going good. We had a baptism on Saturday and I got to baptize him. It was pretty good. Caleb sure was excited to be baptized. He had been staying in his car for the last week because he didn't want to go home, and put up with his parents telling him not to do it. He is a pretty amazing guy. Well on Saturday morning we got to go cut down some trees at a member's house. I felt like I was at home chopping up wood again. I don't know if I had told you guys but they put green chili on everything here. New Mexico food is supposedly hotter than American food. After district meeting we took some time to go to a place called Twister. and they have these burritos that inside are filled with carne anavoda (spicy shredded pork) then they cover it with curly fries and green chili, it is very delicious. I am definitely starting to like spicy food. Well I'll talk to you later.

Love Elder Reid