Nov 2, 2009

Dear Family and Friends,

Hey, How is it going? Things here are going great. It sounds like Halloween was fun, well as far as family business goes you can blame things on me all you want now that I am gone I don't mind, but it sounds like Hannah and Karly should give you plenty of things to bring up in family business. Tell Kelsea that not to worry about getting tongue tied in front of everybody. I still get a little tongue tied at times but with practice you will be able to say what you know to be true and how it has blessed your life easily, so don't give up. Well things here have been going good we have a baptism this week, it's Caleb so I am pretty excited about that. He is definitely giving up a lot to be baptized. He got excommunicated from his old church this week, and so now no one from his family will not talk to him because if they do then they will be excommunicated too. His brother and him were living together in a house and his brother moved and took all the food and left him with all the bills. He doesn't even have a job. He is still planning on getting baptized this Saturday. Well Stephano is doing well. We listened to Jeffery R. Holland's talk with him this week, he really enjoyed that. His dad is still a little unsure about him getting baptized but hopefully things will workout. We set another baptismal date this week with a guy named John. John is a single guy that just got out of prison a couple years ago. He is not sure he knows it is true yet, but he said we can work toward that date. That should be good we are going to see him tonight. Well I think that is about all going on here. My shoes and socks are holding up alright. One of my shoes is coming apart a little at the heel but my others are still intact. They are still all wearable. One of my suits is looking a little dingy because I walked 45 minutes in the rain to district meeting in it but I just need to get it dry cleaned. I would say it would be nice if you could send my old black suite but i don't think it will fit. I almost can't get my suites I have to fit but they are alright for now as long as I stay in a bike area. Well take care.

Love Elder Reid