Oct 26, 2009

Rob Letter

Hey, How is it going?

Sounds like things are going good in Lund, Nevada. So you guys had stake conference this week huh? Sounds like that went well! Well this week was a good week. We taught lots of people. My companion sprained his ankle playing football last week and couldn't really ride a bike this week, but he is doing better now. He can ride a bike again. Well we set a baptismal date this week with Caleb Clark. I guess his parents found out when they came to visit the other day that he was going to be baptized, and flipped out. They hit him in the head with a skillet and told him they would disown him. He still wants to be baptized and doesn't care what his parents think. He has a pretty strong testimony. That is probably the most interesting thing that happened this week. We did also get two new investigators this week, and they both are open to learning about the gospel. One of their names are John, he just got out of prison a couple years ago and wants to change his life around. The other is Jenny, she said when we knocked on her door that she didn't want to talk to us and how missionaries have come by before, and she never lets them in. Well some how I got talking to her about the Book of Mormon and she agreed to lets us bring her one by. We did and she read some and wants us to come by and answer her questions. We were able to teach her the Plan of Salvation. It went well. Our zone conference this week was on the Book of Mormon and how to apply it to every aspect of missionary work. Well that is about everything that happen this week. Talk to you later

Love Elder Reid