Oct 19, 2009

Life in Elderado

Dear Familly and Friends
Hey, How is it going? Things with me are going great! My new comp. is a pretty cool kid. We will have a good transfer and I am glad I got a new comp after being 3 months with Elder Andrus. It was time for a change, got to keep things fresh. Well this week was a good week things went great with Stephano. We gave him a firm commitment for baptism and hopefully will set a date this week. Last Sunday there was this guy who came to church named Caleb. He had read the Book of Mormon 5 times, and had some question he wanted answered. It sounded at first like he just wanted to bash with us but he came to church this week again and said, " I am a believer". He told us how he wanted to be baptized as soon as possible. We asked him how many times he wanted to meet with us this week ,and he told us everyday if possible. I was amazed at how much he had changed in just a week. He told us he had read the Book of Mormon over again and had recieved and answer that it was true. He said he was scared not to get baptized. We are planing on meeting with him 3 times this week, and have a baptismal interview the following week, so i'm pretty excited! we will probably have two baptizm this transfer at least. Well this upcoming week is zone conference so that will be fun. Last zone conference we were supposed to set goals for a month in advance for someone to be baptized, so eventually every week we would have a baptism. I was thinking no way we would be able to have a baptizm every week but it looks like that might be possible we keep finding people like this. Well I got to go well talk to you later, hagoona (It means bye in navahoo)
Love Elder Reid