Oct 14, 2009

2 letter this week!

Hey, How is it going? Things here are going really good we had a really good week. Bill Goldrick went through with his baptism! It was way cool there wasn't very many people there but it was still way cool. My companion and I were the witnesses, and his son did the baptising. I will send some picks of it. Stephano is still golden but his dad is kinda making things hard. One day he will decide that it is ok for Stephano to go to are church and the next day he will decide he doesen't want him to. Well transfer news came and I am staying here another transfer in Eldorado and I am getting someone named Elder Neibaur. All I know about him is that he has only been out 6 weeks and that he was trained in Sante Fe. I am pretty excited to stay in this ward, it is pretty cool. We just found another guy to teach this week his name is Scott and he lives in the same appartment complex as us. He actually came and found us and said he would like to hear what we have to say. We set up a appionment and he ditched us so we were think that he must not really be interested, but then he came and knocked on our door on Saturday and said he was sorry he missed the appoiment. He said he had time to talk to us right then so we taught him the restoration it went well. well I spent 320 dollars on my bike, it was pretty much the cheepest bike shop quallity bike there. Well tell everyone thanks for pitching in for that. That will be great, I really appreciate the support. Well not to much else going on so I guess we will talk to you later.

Elder Reid