Sep 22, 2009

Rob's letter

Dear Family and Friends

Hey, How are things going? Things here are going good? To answer your question I have been here longer than my comp. I have been here for 4 months, and he has been here for about two and a half. My comp. doesn't like the city I guess, so he doesn't really like it here. I guess my comp. is just use to the reservation where it is a little more laid back. Here in Eldorado it is a lot of knocking doors and talking to a lot more people. On the reservation it is mostly less active work, and doing service for the Indians. We still do have a baptismal date set for Oct. 9th, and it is pretty solid. It is with that guy named Bill Goldrick I was telling you about, and he has already planned everything out. He has already knows who he wants to speak, and has been coming to church every Sunday. It is pretty exciting because he choose to be baptized on the last week of the transfer, so I will for sure be here for it. This week was kind of a slow week because my companion got hit by a car so we were on foot all week. Finally, my companion could got a new bike on Monday. On Thursday we had district meeting and it was raining so we got soaked even with our rain jackets on because it was a 45 min walk to district meeting. My suit got wet and everything. This is like their monsoon season from July to September. Who would have thought New Mexico had a monsoon season, but it rained pretty hard the streets were over flowing with water. Mostly during monsoon season here it will rain about 4 days a week for 15 min each day. The other day it rained for hours. They were saying that is was a record for most rain received in one day or something I don't know. On Friday we had this high school kid that is friends with the bishop's son that asked us to teach him the lessons, so we are teaching him right now. I am pretty excited about it. He came to church and seem to be pretty interested. Yesterday was temple day so we weren't able to email, so that's why I am today. Well that is about everything. Oh yeah, as far as the wife thing goes tell Kelsea to let me worry about that, and if she is worried about only having one sister in law tell her maybe they will institute plural marriage again. I do have a request, if you ever have time i have been craving peanut butter popcorn so the next time you send me a package if you could toss some in that would be great. Well got to go.
Love Elder Reid