Sep 8, 2009

Labor Day weekend

hey how is it going? It was good to hear from you guys this week. sounds like you guys had an exciting week with the cats and everything. At least now we don't have to worry about sassy having more cats and dogs are better anyway. Speaking of cats, when we were tracking the other day we were knocking at this house and while we were waiting for them to answer the door I was looking in their window and I saw two cats, then as I started looking around some more. I saw more and more cats they were everywhere just the ones I could see from the window I counted 16 cats and I am sure there were a lot more. I am kinda glad whoever lived there didn't answer the door because whoever had that many cats has to be crazy. So maybe it is not such a bad thing all the cats died otherwise we might end up like whoever lived there. It was a good week we talked to a lot of people. One lady stopped us as we were going to an appointment, she was crazy, she told us the that she was from up there as she pointed to the sky and she told us we were wasting our time and told us all these crazy things. If she really was from "up there" as she said, when she was coming down she must have landed on her head. Yes this is my first companion that I have had for more than 1 transfer. I didn't even have my trainer for more than one transfer. I was kind of bumbed about staying here for another transfer because this area is not that exciting. The missionaries that served here before called it heldorado. I didn't think it is that bad but I was ready for a change but then this week things start picking. We are teaching these kids who we just started teaching yesterday and there mom wants them baptized so we will probably have at least three baptisms by the end of this transfer and hopefully one or two more. So Kelsea, you are turning 13 years old huh? Wow, so your going to be a big bad teenager. well I will have to send you something cool for your b-day. Well BYU beat Oklahoma huh!? That is way cool I actually saw the scores. We were visiting a less active guy and he had ESPN on and I saw the scores. I was pretty excited, and I am a little jeolous of you guys going to a BYU game. Well I guess I will have time for that when I get home. Well that is about everything going on with me. Thanks for everything .

love elder reid