Aug 31, 2009

Monday's news

hey how is it going? How are things going in Lund. Is there anything new and exciting? It sounds like there is alot going on. Well I'm glad to hear that dad is better and everything is back on track. How is teaching school in Ely going mom? Well things for me are going good. Transfer was this week and I am still in Eldorado and I am still with Elder Andrus. I am starting to think that I am never going to leave Albuquerque. It is o.k. I like it here. It was just kind of a boring transfer news, same companion and everything. This week was kind of slower week. We had zone conference this week I think I told you about that. It was a really good zone conference. Elder C Scott Grow gave a sweet talk, it was way good. This week we got a referral from this guy back east somewhere and we went and contacted him when we were talking to him he had lots of doubts about our church and we told him to pray about it and he said he would. He is a member of a born again christian church and when we finished talking to him he prayed right there on his door step to find out if it is true and you could feel the spirit come as he was praying. After the prayer we just left to let the spirit work on him some more it was good. we are still working with Bill and a few other people so that is good. Today for p-day we are going to hangout with a bunch of the other elders in our district because a lot of them are leaving. A lot of them are heading out to the reservation. I want to go to the reservation. One of these transfers. I hear it is an interesting experience. well that is about everything that happened this week.
see ya

love elder reid