Aug 4, 2009

how is it going

hey how is it going? it was good to here from you guys this week. that's way cool that missionary work is picking up in good old lund. things here are going good. tell dad that if i have a bike at college i probably won't ride it home to visit you guys, and besides i am leaving my bike in the mission. so if you guys buy me a bike it better have a motor and be able to go at least 120 mph. well things have been going good this week it was kind of a slow as far as missionary work goes but that is because this week was zone conference so that took up a whole day. but it was a good week the guy we have a baptismal date with came to church yesterday so i am pretty excited about that. when we went over to teach him this week he was pretty discouragaged and did not think he wanted to go through with the baptism but after we talked to him for a bit and read him a few scriptures he was excited to be baptized again so that is good. this week in zone conference the main theme of it was planning and as we plan and set goals we create our future and president anderson talked about god creating the world and how when we plan and set goals we our becoming like god in that we are learning the art of creation. it was really good zone conference. well my new companion is from riverton utah and his favorite thing to do is to play video games and read books. so we are like total opposites but we are getting along and we have been working hard. he is into science fiction and stuff like that. i have never really liked stuff like that and he also has some self esteem issues i think. but hey. we were over eating at a members house and they gave me a 5 gallon tub of protein powder. i don't know if i necessarily need it but i got it. maybe it will motivate me more to work out harder in the morning. they are a pretty cool family i really like them. while we were over there they taught us how to make glow sticks. you just get 1/4 bottle of mountain dew about a 1/4 tsp of baking soda and 3 caps of hydrogen peroxide and shake it all up. it is pretty cool me and my companion are probably going to try it out today. well hey i think that is about everything i got to go.

love elder reid