Aug 11, 2009

Rob's letter

hey how is it going? sorry i didn't email you yesterday but the place where we email was full so we had to biked all the way down to cnm (college of new mexico) to email but it was closed. we didn't get to email yesterday and so we had a little bit of time today so we decide we would just email really quick today so mom wouldn't freak out and think something happen to me. well i am doing pretty good, i am a little frustrated today cause everything is falling through. today our investigator bill goldrick called and cancelled his baptismal interview because he is starting to have doubts. that just makes me frustrated when everything is going perfect he is all ready to be baptized and then he chickens out. we are going over to teach bill tommorrow so hopefully we will be able to resolve his concerns. We were also scheuled to teach these kids that are staying with their grandparents for awhile. their parents aren't members but their grandparents want us to teach them. the parents ended up calling and saying they don't want their kids to be taught. i am going to just stop answering the phone cause it is almost always someone cancelling an appoinment. but other than that it was a pretty good week, we had 3 investigators show up at church this sunday which is more than i ever had in this area. one of the girls coming to church name was rebecca she is about kelsea's age her dad really doesn't want her to be baptized but this weekend was a daddy daughter campout and her and her dad went maybe we will be able to baptize her eventaully. but that is about all that happened this week well talk to you later. love elder reid