Jul 27, 2009

24th of July

hey how is everything going? everything is going pretty good here. so the 24th went well huh? well except the air conditioning at the church. well we really didn't do much for the 24th, there was a stake picnic but we didn't go because we didn't think that the district leader would let us go. then we find out the he actually went to the picnic. that was kind of lame but it was ok we had a good week anyway. this week we taught someone named bill goldrick, i think i told you about him before. he just got back from vacation, but before he left we gave him a soft baptismal commitment and when he came home last week we gave him a baptismal date and he accepted so i am pretty stoked about that. he will be getting baptized on the 21st of august. i also got my new companion this week he name is elder andrus, i think i probably already told you that but he is all right. he was a pretty sheltered kid growing up and doesn't know how to talk to people very well, so i have to do alot of the talk during teaching appointments. he is alright though, i figured out that if you are working hard and keeping focused you can get along with any companion you have. today we have a fun p-day lined up, we are going to go bowling with some other missionaries. there is a memeber who owns a bowling alley and lets us in for free, so that is pretty sweet. then we are going to come up to our area and play basketball. so that will be pretty fun, i haven't played a good game of basketball in a long time so i am pretty stoked. there is this guy named brother carey that is a member in our ward he is way cool he gives rides everywhere. well i gave him a call to give us a ride to the bike shop because my companion was getting his bike tuned. when i called him up he didn't sound the same as he normally does, he acted very defensive. then he just told how his son had shot someone 4 times about 3 or 4 days ago and how he had resorted back to drinking. he had just started getting active in the church again, he told me all about how his wife wants to get a divorce and how upset he was. i felt like i should give him a scripture to read so i gave him 2 nephi 4:27-35. he came over on sunday and talk to us and said how glad he was that i gave him that scripture to read. he is a really cool guy and i hope everything goes well for him. well i think that is about everything exciting going on this week. i sent you guys a letter with my memory card in it so if you could up load the pictures and send it back that would be great. well got to go thanks for everything and hope you guys have a good week.

love elder reid