Jul 13, 2009

What's new

hey how is it going? things here are going good. so dudley died! man thats no good. i didn't even know that he had a tumor gosh. so pops is still sick . gosh you guys have alot of depressing news. you need to start working on getting some good news for next week. well i will pray for you. so you and kelsea went to st. george that sounds fun. things for me are going good we had kind of a slow week not too much exciting. so i do look good at 200lbs i have been working out. well we got a few new investigators this week so that was good hopefully when we go back to see them this week they will be there. transfers are next week so that will be exciting. i guess we will see what happens there. i didn't break my bike this week so that makes it a pretty good week. but other than that alot of people ditched out on us, i guess that is just part of being a missionary. even our dinner appointment on wednesday ditched out on us. i wasn't to sad because the lady that was going to feed us dinner is from india and she puts lot of seasoning on her food and it is not very good. it is like she puts a little bit of noodles with her seasoning. she felt really bad that she forgot about us coming over for dinner, we told her not to worry about it. well i think that is about it. well i hope things start picking up around there by next week. talk to you later
love elder reid