Jul 6, 2009

Happy 4th

hey whats up? how is everything going? anything new or exciting in lund? so pops is on a new medicine huh? so dads hay isn't up yet! dang. well i am glad that you liked elder thatchers letter and that he didn't talk any trash in his letter about me.. he is a cool kid and a hard worker, he is just a little guy too like 120 lb and he is 5'8". oh yeah by the way i am 200 lb now. pretty much getting to be a fatso. but that's all good. you would think i wouldn't gain weight anymore being in a bike area but i do. well this week was a good week it was the week that we meet with the mission president so that was good he is definitely inspired. we did get a new investigator this week she is a 13 year old girl named becca and i think the only reason that she likes us to talk to her is because she has a crush on us. but hey if my good looks helps some one to accept the gospel then i guess it is alright. her dad said it was alright if we teach her but he seemed pretty ornery about it. he definitely didn't want us to teach him but whatever. we talk to this guy the other day normally we don't bible bash with people but this guy answered the door and told us that mormonism is the cleanest way to hell. and then he talked about how he didn't need to work he accepted christ when he was 16 and now he doesn't need to do anything. he was pretty dumb. he told us that there is not prophet on the earth today and that the bible was the end of prophecy. i read him a scripture in john about how after christ performed all these miracles and how the scribes and the pharisees said, "for we know that moses spoke with god but of this man we know not." talking about jesus christ. then i ask him what that reminded him of, he didn't respond.. but there was all kinds of people that wanted to bible bash with us this week and it is hard to just walk away because they say such dumb things but it doesn't do any good to argue with them. one guy told us ( he was a pentecostal) that the gift of tongues was necessary for salvation. those kinda people are funny. well other than that things are going real good we have about 5 progressing investigators which is way better than last transfer in this area. elder thatcher told me there only one investigator in this area last transfer. so things are going good. oh yeah i almost forgot i broke my bike again. i bent the rim trying to bunny hop on to a curve, i was not going fast enough so the back rim nailed the curve. so i am probably going to have to buy a new rim. but thanks for all you guys do for me and i hope everything goes well.

love elder reid