Jul 20, 2009

Monday Monday

hey how is it going? things here are going good. so you got a new dog huh? i should have know you would name it marley, after just watching "marley and me" before i left. who picked out the name dad? or was it kelsea? well cool it is kinda sad not to be there this year for the 24th of july. they are having some kind of picnic here for the 24th but i am sure it won't be as cool as lunds celebration and i won't even get to go unless we have investigators going. but things are going good, we got transfer news the other day i am staying here in elderado and elder thatcher is going to los lunas. it should be good, my new companions name is elder andrus, i have heard that he isn't the easiest person to get along with but will see on tuesday i guess. but it is nice to be able to stay in this area it is just starting to pick up a little more and maybe i will get to see the fruits of my labors. we have one guy named paul bain and said he wasn't going to make the decision to get baptized until he finishes the book of mormon and he just finshed it sunday and two days before that we had a lesson on the plan of salvation with him. it went really well the spirit was way strong. his wife was there and she is a member and she bore her testimony of the plan of salvation and her conversion story it was a really good lesson. (members at the lessons make a big difference). but there is also another guy named bill goldrick that the missionaries have been teaching for like 2 years. at the beginning of the transfer we talked to him and resolved his concern and he said that he is ready to take that step towards baptism. he was on vacation for the last 3 week but he just got back and now we are going to give him a date. but other than that it was just a pretty ordinary week. my companion got sick on saturday so we didn't do anything that day. the bad part about staying is that i am stuck in a bike area for another transfer and everything is up hill from our apartment. well i hope you all have a good 24th of july let me know how it goes.
love elder reid