Jun 29, 2009

We made it!

so you made it through girls camp huh? nice. sounds like it was pretty fun. well things for me have been going great. this week me and my companion set really high goals and we almost achieved them. it was a way good week the only bad thing that happened this week is that one of our investigators freaked out on us because we said that the bible has been change a little though out time and she was mad, she thinks that the bible is the only word of god and thinks that the lds church is corrupt. but oh well. she is really crazy anyway, she just likes going to church because everyone was nice. she wasn't really looking for a religion. we had talked to her about the apostasy before but i guess it didn't register. she leaves us 5 minute long message on our answering machine about how she felt the umptionings of the holy spirit telling her to lose weight and all kinds of crazy stuff. i don't even know what a umptioning is. but her messages make us laugh. we have about 4 people we are teaching that are progressing towards baptism. one guy this week asked us to start teaching him the lesson because he wants to get baptized but he wants to know if it is true first which is good. i don't think that anyone will be getting baptized this transfer but i think that next transfer there will be some. i hope i don't get transfered to see some of the friuts of my labors, it is lame to only stay in an area for a transfer at a time cause you can't really get things going but i guess we will see what happens. today for p-day we went and had a zone activity and we played frisbee and soccer it was way fun. then we went and got slurpees at seven eleven so it was good. other than that i can't think of anything to exciting going on right now. we don't have much time cause we got an appointment at seven so talk to you later..

love elder reid