Jun 22, 2009

working hard

hey how is it going? sounds like everything is going good there. so mom your going on the girl camp hike huh? well dang have you been training at all or getting ready? this is where all those walks with dudley payes off. tell dad to keep his needles to him self or maybe he can practice on dudely. but yeah so i am going to send my letter to grandma sherie to your house cause i lost her address so when you get it please send it to her. i am also send dad a letter for fathers day but tell him happy fathers day anyway. everthing here is going good, me and elder thatcher work good together and are definitly getting a lot done. this area is picking up, we are getting quite a few new investigators. i do miss my old area because we had more peope to teach and it was a car area. the people are middle class to upper class people. the people in my old area are either upper class or lower class and i guess there is quite a bit of in between, my last area was such a big area you had a little bit of everything now i am in the smallest area in albuquerque and everyone is pretty much middle class. my new area is right up agianst the mountian so it is small but there is a lot of hills so it makes it fun riding a bike. my bike broke last week like i told you and i end up having to spend 80$ on it so that stunk but it normally would have cost me 130$ but the guy gave me a 30% distcount and free labors so that was pretty good. but other than that things are going good we have about 3 investigators that have a possibility of getting baptized this transfer two of them are a couple they want to get baptized the most but they have to get married and stop smoking first. they are trying because they want to be baptized. we gave them a date to work towards which is july 18th and they want to change. our other investigators name is rosy she is a little bit crazy but she has been coming to church every sunday for the past two weeks, the ward here is doing a great job of fellowshiping her which makes a big difference, so if the missionaries there bring an investigator to church be sure to fellowship them because some investigators in my old area wouldn't come to church anymore because no one talk to them so they felt awkward. well that is pretty much it i think. i will talk to you later.
love elder reid