Jun 15, 2009

rain, rain, go away.

hey it was good to hear from you guys this week. it has been a good week. transfers were on tuesday so that was good, elder thatcher has only been out one transfer and i have been out 2, so i am a little older than him, most of the time the companion that has been out longer is the senior but sometime that is not true. i am enjoying my new area it is pretty safe. the areas in the south side of albuquerque are the scary ones down by central. i am enjoying a bike area, i have only crashed once so far. i did brake my bike the other day so i took it the the bike shop to get it fixed. i have to get a new crank shaft but the guy at the bike shop is mormon and gives a 30% discount on everthing and free tune ups so it is only going to cost me 30 dollars to fix it but i am going to have to take some money out of my debit account. but there are lots of nice people in this area and dinners are almost alway provided by members so that works out great other wise i wouldn't be able to survive. we have two sweet investigators up here that the missionaries found a couple days before i got here and they will be baptized for sure. we have a baptizmal date set for the 18th of july for them and they are way excited. the only proplem is that we went to go see them the other day and the manager of the apartments that they live in said not to come back there any more. we are going to go back anyway because as long as we don't knock doors it is illegal to kick us out. the reason that they told us that is because people were complianing that we were in there i guess, but i think everything will work out so i am not to worried. i am really enjoying the mission and am greatfull for all the support. thank you kelsea for all the letters i enjoy them. but hey next time you send me a package send me a few of my ties becaus i am getting tired of my ties i need some different ones.
love elder reid