Feb 3, 2010

..any were we go is muddy...

Hey, How is it going?
Things here are going well. I haven't got my new scriptures yet, but they will probably be here today or tomorrow. Thanks for sending them out to me. I have been getting along all right without them because before I left the mtc I bought a little pocket size Book of Mormon. I have read that one way more than my quad. I have it way more marked up and can teach most lessons out of it. Well the snow up here is mostly all melted but there is a ton of mud. Our truck is covered in mud and anywhere we go is muddy because most of the roads are dirt on the way to people's houses. We had a good week this week, we had 11 investigators at church and that is the most I have ever had come to church on my mission, so that was good. We had some good lessons this week. We should also have some baptisms coming up in the next couple weeks, that is if everything goes right. We had one investigator named Diane who had to have a special interview from a member of the mission presidency to be baptized. She passed and is ready to go. We have a few 12 year old kids that are ready too, so it is going pretty good. Well Dad, good luck on Wednesday and I will be praying for you! Kelsea it is good to hear you are doing good in your basketball games (how can you not do good being my little sister) Well I got to go, tell Aunt Dawna thanks for sending me out my scriptures.
Love Elder Reid