Dec 14, 2009

Rob Letter

Dear Family and Friends,Hey, How is it going? Sound like you guys had a good week. Well tell dad he doesn't have to go to a doctor in mexico to get worms he could probably just drink the water, it is free. Well I will keep him in my prayers. Well try not to get mad at hannah all she was doing was trying to bring you breakfast in bed, she is a charitable poodle. Well it sounds like Matt had a good mission I knew he would. He was so excited to leave, and it kinda seems weird that he is already home. It seems like he just left not too long ago. Well this week has been a hard week, every appointment we had fell through so it was kind of sad. Jenny has been avoiding us, and Pedro canceled on us 3 times this week. On the bright side we did get a few potentials this week. We pretty much just tracted all week. This week we did have a ward christmas party, it was kind of fun. They served lasagna at the party, and after they had tons of left over, so they sent us home with a big pan full. This was nice because you know I love lasagna. Well as far as a call on Christmas goes here is my phone number...9. We are allowed to call ahead of time to setup our calls, so if you call me on Christmas Eve around 7pm we can setup a time to call on Christmas Day. If that is not going to work let me know by next Monday. Well thanks for sending the christmas package. Tell Phil and Grandma Sheri both thanks for the money. I will probably write them later. Well take care!Love Elder Reid