Jan 4, 2010

Transfer News

Dear Family and Friends,
Hey, How are things going? Thing are going good here. We got transfer news and I am finally leaving Eldorado. I am heading up to Teec Nos Pos, it is in Arizona by the four corners area in the middle of nowhere. I am pretty excited to hear I was going to the reservation. It will be a interesting experience. I was way stoked to leave. Then when I went to church on Sunday and said goodbye to everyone, it was kind of sad. I felt like I was having my farewell again, but I am excited to go. It is time for a change. My new companion will be Elder Shoey he seems like a cool guy. I have met him a few times playing football, and it seems like we will get along good. He is a pretty good football player. I am not sure of where he is from or anything, but I do know he is an older missionary. Everyone tells me that Teec Nos Pos is one of the highest baptizing area in the mission, so that will be cool. I will let you know more details next week. I'll talk to you next week.
Love Elder Reid