Jan 27, 2010

News From Teec

How is it going? I did get you guy's package, and the shirt and the coat fit great. Thank you. Last week we emailed at the chapter house in Teec, but it was closed on Monday, so we didn't email until Tuesday. Well our zone conference was really good, they talk about having the spirit with us, and they also talk about conversion, so it was good. They canceled Richard G. Scott coming because of weather conditions. We got tons of snow. In one of the towns in my area it seemed like they had 2 feet, but then it rain and melted a lot of it. This week I got got to try mutton stew which is a favorite among the Navajo, it was alright. I tried it at our branch pot luck. The work is going good in this area we have about 5 baptismal dates, some of them are just members that lost there records. Although we do have 2 investigators. They are a husband and wife that are getting baptized in the middle of February. That same guy who is getting baptized, about two weeks ago got drunk and wanted to fight me and my comp because he said we judge him when he was drunk, and he said a bunch of other dumb things. A couple days later we went over and talked to him and told him that he needs to start taking this commitment more seriously, and I think we got him back on track. Things are going pretty well except I lost my scriptures. I have a pocket size Book of Mormon and Bible. I have been teaching out of these but i don't know if i will be able to find my quad, so if you could send me out my old scriptures that would be great. Well thanks for everything and tell Karlie Happy Birthday and tell dad good luck with the surgery.
Love Elder Robby Reid